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Athens, Greece,
Work Inquiries
June 3, 2020

ReduceWaste project

ReduceWaste project is a product based on sustainability. It aims to help people learn about and manage every day’s waste. The app will help (among others), people who can not afford food by offering free meals and free products.


Build a user friendly product on a safe environment and manage data related to food inventory, expiration dates, consumption patterns, and recommended actions.

  • Strategy

    Design Sprints, Workshops

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Product Design, Prototyping

  • Production

    Design Sprints, Documentation

  • Platforms

    iOS, Android

Open Project
⬤ 01. The problem

The excessive amount
of waste we produce
every day globally.

Everyday we throw away so much food and it seems so disrespectful for our planet and so unfair for humans who can’t afford the basic human need.

We identified that this crucial matter which affects our precious planet, is unknown to most of us, or we don’t use easy methods to reduce our every day waste.

⬤ 02. User research

Developed questions
to conduct
user inteviews.

Most participants reported feeling badly about food waste and our print to the planet and they didn’t know ways to help reduce their waste.

The feedback received through research made it very clear that users were very interested and willing to work towards reducing waste generally, if they had some help. 

ReduceWaste-Persona Dimitra
ReduceWaste-Persona Kostas
⬤ 03. Challenges

Design an intuitive interface and ensure easy access to relevant information and smooth interaction with the app's features

⬤ 04. Ideation

The sketch ideation
focuses on a
user-friendly interface.

ReduceWaste ideation
⬤ 04. Wireframes

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